Distribute Refunds
The distribute refunds page allows you to distribute, edit, see statistics on, and add notes to refunds.
The screen is broken up into two sections. The top section is the refund menu and the bottom is the refund search.
Refund Menu
The refund menu is broken down into three sections.
Starting from the left, the first column is the information section. The top blue box is for the selected refund information. Once you select a refund from the search area, that specific refund's information will show up there. The box on the bottom is information about all of the refunds in the system. Each line shows a different summary number pertaining to those refunds.
The second column is for the control box. The top section is for the different actions that can be done such as:
Each of these will be covered later in this document.
The bottom box in this section is the refund note section. This area allows you to create and attach notes to each of the refunds. These notes can be used to persist extra information you might need to know about for the selected refund.
The third area shows a pie chart relaying statistics about the refunds for this user. The outer circle show the dollar value of the refunds, the green portion showing the paid amount and the orange portion showing the unpaid amount. The inner circle shows the refund counts, the blue showing the paid count and the red showing the unpaid count.
Distribute Refunds
You can distribute refunds by:
- First selecting a refund from the search menu on the lower part of the screen. All refunds can be found from this bottom search.
- Enter the check number of the check that is being sent out to the recipient in the check number box.
- Click the Pay Refund button.
Edit Refunds
Using this page, a refund's address information can be edited.
First, select the refund from the bottom search, then click the edit refund button. A screen will popup showing the fields you can edit.
To edit the information, click in the box that you wish to change, edit the information, then click the save button.
A refund can be edited only before it has been distributed
Reprint Receipt
You can reprint the receipt the refund is on by first selecting the bill from the bottom search, then clicking the reprint receipt button.
Creating A Note
This page allows you to create and save notes for specific refunds. To save a note to a refund, first select a refund from the bottom search, then click inside the text area in the middle box. The next step is to type your note out, then click the save note button.