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Tax Certification


The Tax Certification page is used for certifying that a properties taxes have been officially paid. By using this page, a certification can be generated.

Cert Page

Property Information

The property information area is the light purple box on the left side of the screen. This box show all the relevant information about the property that is selected.

Property Information

Create Certification

The create certification box is located in the center of the page. This area is where you go about generating the certification. The top section contains the submit button, the check number input, the date selector for the certification, and the amount paid. The bottom section contains the company select box.

Create Certification

Previous Certifications

The previous certification section show a list of all the previous certification for the selected property. This section allows you to edit and reprint the certifications.

Previous Certifications

Generating A Certification

To generate a certification, you must first select/create a company to receive the certification. The one requesting the certification does not need to be a company, GSS uses company as an alias for one who is requesting the certification.

Creating a Company

To create a company, in the create certification area, select the "New Company" button. This will open a prompt for creating the company.

Create Company

The only field required for the certification is the company name. Once the name is entered, click the "Save Company" button to save the company. By clicking in the company select box and beginning to type the name of the company, you will be able to select the one just entered.

Generating the Certification PDF

Once you have created the company that will be receiving the certification, the next step is to select the property that is being certified. This can be done by using either of the search areas on this page. Once the property has been selected, the amount paid and check number can be entered. These fields are not required for the certification to be generated. Clicking the "Submit" button will generate the PDF.



Viewing Previous Certifications

Previous certifications are able to be reprinted after they have been generated. The first step is to select the property that you wish to reprint the certification for. Any previous certifications will appear in the left most box.

Reprint Prev Cert

Then, clicking on this record in the previous certification area will allow you to click the RePrint button and generate the certification once again.