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Submit Bill Change


The submit bill change page is a cut down version of the adjustment page. This page allows tax collectors to submit the changes they wish to make on any given tax bill to the administrative users.


You may not see either this page or the full adjustment page depending on the permission afforded by the county.

Submit Bill Change Page

To fully describe the page, we will break it down into sections:

Search Section

The bottom search area is a general search table. By selecting a specific search criteria or filter, it offers a variety of ways to search and filter through the bills available for you to collect.

Submit Change Search

Address Information Section

Submit Change Address

The first is the Address Information box. This box holds those fields that would fall into the category of Address Changes.

Amount Information Section

Submit Change Amount

The next box is the Amount Information Adjustment box. This box will hold all those fields that relate to the assessed values and their calculated dollar amounts as well as any exclusion values. Any changes in this section will be those of an Amount Adjustment.

Property Descriptions Section

Submit Change Property

The last box in this section is the Property Description Adjustment box. This box contains those fields that fall into the property descriptions category. Any changes in this section will be categorized as Property Description Changes.


Address Change

An address change is one of the most basic adjustments that can be done. To do an address change, first you must select a bill that you want to adjust. Once you have selected the desired bill, you will notice that the information pertaining to that bill is now populating the different information boxes.

The next step is to click in the field that you want to change. For this example, we are going to change the Address 1 line. When the field is clicked, the previous value will show up in a popup next to the field. This is so when in the process of changing a value, a reference to the previous value is available. Then, enter the new value for the field that needs updating.

Selected Bill

After the address line in our example is changed, the field will be highlighted in a light green to indicate that the field is different from the old value and that it is a valid replacement. Once the new value is entered, the Update Button, located at the bottom right side of the page, can be clicked. A confirmation screen will pop up asking for a reason for the change. Entering a reason is not required, but is recommended.

Adjustment Confirmation

Clicking Confirm Update will submit the change.


More than one field can be updated at a time, even across different types of changes.

Adjustment Confirmation

Amount Adjustment

An amount adjustment pertains to any value that contributes to the assessed values being changed. To do an amount adjustment, first you must select a bill that you want to adjust. Once you have selected the desired bill, you will notice that the information pertaining to that bill is now populating the different information boxes.

The assessed values are all located in the left most box and the center box. The right side box contains the individual tax amounts on the bill. Notice that the left box and the right box are highlighted in purple. This indicates that the values are linked together. When the values are linked and an assessed value is change, the tax amounts on the right will change. For this example, the Assessed Land was updated from 1234 to 12340.

Updating Assessed Value

After the Assessed Land in our example is changed, the field will be highlighted in a light green to indicate that the field is different from the old value and that it is a valid replacement. If the changed field has changed any other fields, they will also be highlighted in green. Once the new value is entered, the Update Button, located at the bottom right side of the page, can be clicked. A confirmation screen will pop up asking for a reason for the change. Entering a reason is not required, but is recommended.

Adjustment Confirmation

Clicking Confirm Update will submit the change.


As with the address change, multiple fields can also be changed at once and all the values will be calculated out.

MultI Amount Adjustment

Property Description Change

A property description change is just like doing an address change. To do a property description change, first you must select a bill that you want to adjust. Once you have selected the desired bill, you will notice that the information pertaining to that bill is now populating the different information boxes.

The next step is to click in the field that you want to change. For this example, we are going to change the description line 1. When the field is clicked, the previous value will show up in a popup next to the field. This is so when in the process of changing a value, a reference to the previous value is available. Then, enter the new value for the field that needs updating.

Updating Address 1 Line

After the description line in our example is changed, the field will be highlighted in a light green to indicate that the field is different from the old value and that it is a valid replacement. Once the new value is entered, the Update Button, located at the bottom right side of the page, can be clicked. A confirmation screen will pop up asking for a reason for the change. Entering a reason is not required, but is recommended.

Adjustment Confirmation

Clicking Confirm Update will submit the change.


More than one field can be updated at a time, even across different types of changes.

Adjustment Confirmation