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Receipt Search


The Receipt Search Page is for all actions involving specific receipts.

Receipt Search Page

Information Section

The receipt information section is the box near the top left of the page. The four boxes in this section show a brief view of the relevant information on the receipt.

  • The Property Information section is exactly that, the name on the property as well as the map and control numbers.
  • The Receipt Info section shows the payer info. This includes the name and address written on the check.
  • The Void info section shows what batch the receipt was voided on, the date that it was done, and the reason listed.
  • The Batch/Distribution Info section shows what distribution the receipt is on as well as the batch that it was received on.
    • This section also includes a button labeled Change Batch which will be covered more thoroughly later on.

Receipt Information Section

This section offers a quick view of the relevant information about the receipt without needing to reprint the receipt. There are also two buttons at the bottom and one in the "Batch/Distribution Info" section. There is one labeled "Void", one labeled "RePrint" and another labeled "Change Batch". These buttons are fairly self explanatory but will be discussed in depth later.

Search Section

The receipt search section allows you to search and filter the receipts taken and select them to either reprint or void.

receipt Search Search

Receipt Section

The Receipt section is the light blue box area to the right of the Receipt Information box and above the receipt search. This area is where the reprinted receipt will appear when generated.

Receipt Section


There are a few main actions available on this page. This page allows you to reprint a previously taken receipt, reprint a single bill on a receipt, void it, or change the receive or void batch of a receipt.

RePrinting Receipts

Reprinting a receipt is a straightforward process. First you must select the receipt which you want to reprint. You can select the receipt by searching through the receipt search area and clicking on the desired receipt. Doing so will populate the Receipt Information section with the quick view information. From there, you can click the "RePrint Receipt" button and the receipt will be generated in the Receipt Section.

Please note the little arrow next to the "RePrint Receipt" button. If you click this button, the option for "RePrint Bill" will show up. Click this option, then click the button again. This will reprint the receipt only for the bill you selected in the search area.

Generated Receipt

Example of a receipt:




Only a single receipt can be reprinted at a time. If you need to print more than one receipt at a time, please refer to the Receipt Report where receipts are printed out by batch number in a condensed report.

Voiding Receipts

Voiding a receipt follows the same process as reprinting one. First select a receipt which you want to reprint. You can select the receipt by searching through the receipt search area and clicking on the desired receipt. Doing so will populate the Receipt Information section with the quick view information. From there, you can click the "Void" button. Once clicked, you will be prompted for a reason for voiding the receipt. Giving a reason is not required but is recommended.

Void Receipt Prompt

Clicking confirm will void the receipt.


Warning: Once a receipt has been voided, the action cannot be undone. To recount the receipt, you will need to retake the payment on another transaction.


Warning: The batch that a receipt is voided on DOES matter. Please be aware of the batch you are currently on and the batch the receipt was taken on. The batch a receipt is voided on matters because when a distribution is done, if the batch you voided the receipt on was not distributed, the void will not be counted towards that distribution. The void will be counted towards whatever distribution includes the batch it was done on.

Changing Batches

The "Change Batch" button allows you to alter the receive and void batch that a receipt is on. By selecting a receipt and then clicking the "Change Batch" button, a modal will pop up showing you the options that are available for the receipt. To change the batch, select the batch number from the drop down list and click confirm. When the action is complete, a modal will pop up informing you the receipt has successfully been moved onto another batch.

There are certain restrictions on what batch a receipt can be moved on to. The system will inform you when you can or cannot move a receipt to a particular batch.

  • If the receipt has not been voided, you cannot change the void batch and the select box will be disabled.

Void Receipt Prompt

  • If the receipt has been voided, you will not be able to change the receive batch and the select box will be disabled

Void Receipt Prompt

  • You cannot move the Receive Batch of a receipt that has been distributed already. The same situation applies for if the void batch has been distributed.

Void Receipt Prompt