Adjust Bill Info
The adjustment page is where any changes that may be applied to bills, be they Address Changes, Amount Adjustments, or Exonerations, take place. The system allows for only one bill to be altered at a time.
You may not see either this page or the submit bill change page depending on the permission afforded by the county.
This page is broken down into three main sections. The Action Selection, Bill Information, and Search sections.
Action Selection
The action selector is located at the top right side of the screen below the batch indicator. This selector allows you to change what action the page is performing. The options for this page are Adjust Bill and Exonerate.
Bill Information
The Bill Information section is where the changes that are applied to the bill will go. This section is also broken down up into three areas. Each of these areas are accessible by clicking on the header with the corresponding name.
Address Information Box
The first is the Address Information box. This box holds those fields that would fall into the category of Address Changes.
Amount Information Adjustment
The next box is the Amount Information Adjustment box. This box will hold all those fields that relate to the assessed values and their calculated dollar amounts as well as any exclusion values. Any changes in this section will be those of an Amount Adjustment.
Property Description Adjustment
The last box in this section is the Property Description Adjustment box. This box contains those fields that fall into the property descriptions category. Any changes in this section will be categorized as Property Description Changes.
Search Area
The last section on the page is the search section. Like the receive payment page, this section is split into two sections, the top and bottom search.
Bottom Search
The bottom search area is a general search table. By selecting a specific search criteria or filter, it offers a variety of ways to search and filter through the bills available for you to collect.
Selecting a Bill
You can select a bill by utilizing one of the search areas on the page. By either clicking on a bill using the bottom search or searching for the bill number using the top search, you select a bill.
Address Change
An address change is one of the most basic adjustments that can be done. To do an address change, first you must select the Adjust Bill action from the action selector, then select a bill that you want to adjust. Once you have selected the desired bill, you will notice that the information pertaining to that bill is now populating the different information boxes.
The next step is to click in the field that you want to change. For this example, we are going to change the Address 1 line. When the field is clicked, the previous value will show up in a popup next to the field. This is so when in the process of changing a value, a reference to the previous value is available. Then, enter the new value for the field that needs updating.
After the address line in our example is changed, the field will be highlighted in a light green to indicate that the field is different from the old value and that it is a valid replacement. Once the new value is entered, the Submit button, located at the top right side of the page, can be clicked. A confirmation screen will pop up asking for a reason for the change. Entering a reason is not required, but is recommended.
Clicking Confirm Update will submit the change.
More than one field can be updated at a time, even across different types of changes.
Amount Adjustment
An amount adjustment pertains to any value that contributes to the assessed values being changed. To do an amount adjustment, first you must select the Adjust Bill action from the action selector, then select a bill that you want to adjust. Once you have selected the desired bill, you will notice that the information pertaining to that bill is now populating the different information boxes.
The assessed values are located in the center box. The right side box contains the individual tax amounts on the bill. Notice that the center box and the right box are highlighted in purple. This indicates that the values are linked together. When the values are linked and an assessed value is change, the tax amounts on the right will change.
There are two fields that when altered, will change the assessed values of a bill. The first is the change field. The change field is where you would enter the difference between the old and the new values. If you get a document from assessment stating that the property is going up by 1000 in building or improvement value, you would type in 1000 in the change box under Impr. Please refer to the example below.
After the Assessed Land in our example is changed, the field will be highlighted in a light green to indicate that the field is different from the old value and that it is a valid replacement. If the changed field has changed any other fields, they will also be highlighted in green.
The other field that changes the value, is the input directly below the change fields. This field directly alters the assessed value. In the below example, 3000 was typed into the improvement value field.
Clicking Update will make the Confirm Reason box pop up again showing you all the changes you are about to make. Because we changed an assessed value, that will affect both the value and the calculated taxes for that property.
Clicking Confirm Update will submit the change.
Property Description Change
A property description change is just like doing an address change. To do a property description change, first you must select the Adjust Bill action from the action selector, then select a bill that you want to adjust. Once you have selected the desired bill, you will notice that the information pertaining to that bill is now populating the different information boxes.
The next step is to click in the field that you want to change. For this example, we are going to change the description line 1. When the field is clicked, the previous value will show up in a popup next to the field. This is so when in the process of changing a value, a reference to the previous value is available. Then, enter the new value for the field that needs updating.
After the description line in our example is changed, the field will be highlighted in a light green to indicate that the field is different from the old value and that it is a valid replacement. Once the new value is entered, the Submit button, located at the top right side of the page, can be clicked. A confirmation screen will pop up asking for a reason for the change. Entering a reason is not required, but is recommended.
Clicking Confirm Update will submit the change.
More than one field can be updated at a time, even across different types of changes.
Bill Addition
The Bill Addition section has moved to it's own page. Please refer to Addition Page
Exonerating a bill is the action of deducting the total of the tax amounts off of the bill. To perform an exoneration, first select Exoneration from the action selector, then select a bill that you want to exonerate. With the action type set to Exoneration, none of the fields are editable and the tax amounts in the Amount box are all set to 0.
Next, click the Exonerate button located at the top right of the page. A confirmation screen will pop up asking for a reason. Entering a reason is not required, but is recommended.
Clicking Confirm Update will submit the change.