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Deposit Report


The deposit report is the most simple of the reports that can be generated.

deposit report page

Generating the Report

The available selectors for this page are District, Batch Number, Order by, and Billing.

  • District: You can select a single district or if you collect for multiple districts, you can choose the "Select All" option to print all districts on a single report.
  • Batch Number: The batch that you wish to print the report for.
  • Order by: The order the transactions will appear in.
  • Billing: The specific billing that you wish to generate the report for.
  • User: The specific user that you wish to generate the report for. This is useful for the users who have our web portal to split off the credit card or ACH payments.
  • Include Credit Card Payments: This allows you to show the online credit card payments on this report.

Once you have selected the desired settings, clicking the generate button will generate the report.


When the Generate button is clicked, a popup will appear asking if you would like to go to the batch page to change your batch. This feature was added to make the collection process more efficient.

Intended Use

The intended use of the deposit report is to represent the deposit the tax collector takes to the bank. This report breaks down each of the checks taken on a batch, lists out the names on the checks, and the amount of the check. After all the checks are broken out, the report lists the number of items and the total value of the deposit. Any cash payments are not itemized and are summed with the check total at the bottom.


Deposit Report

deposit report